Guided Fishing!
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I had managed to hold off on bookings this week so that Christiane could have several days on the water during her week off and just fish. We were on the water almost every day for at least some time but the high heat & humidity had us cutting most days rather short. Temps were consistently in the 80’s and winds were light to non existent throughout. Dog pecker knats were everywhere and we died out there in the scorching heat. Despite all of this, the fishing still remained good and she caught plenty of bass & walleye daily. Most of the fish were average in size and didn’t require any picks but there were a few that that did. A couple of smallies in the high fours and some 24 to 26 inch walleye that were returned to grow were shot but not all made it to the report. It was a great week to be on vacation!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation